How Well Do You Know Yourself, and Why Does It Really Matter?

Self-awareness is the key to leading a fulfilling life. It’s the first step towards discovering your true self and understanding what truly matters to you. It serves as the foundation for everything else that follows. Being self-aware enables us to make conscious choices about the direction we want our lives to take. Click below to take this one minute assessment to see how aligned you are with your true self and your purpose. Or, if you’d like to learn about my upcoming Mastermind, click here to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session to see if it’s the right fit for you.


Unfulfilled to Overflowing:

Where High Achievers break through internal barriers to increase their impact.

I know that women are seeking fulfillment because they are not experiencing it. They are driven by the desire to achieve success, but they don’t know how to get there. My mastermind is designed to give women the tools they need to reach their goals and live a life that feels meaningful and purposeful.

In my masterclass, we will discuss what defines fulfillment for women and how they can achieve it in their own lives. We will discuss topics such as: Why do women seek fulfillment? How can they find “it” in their careers, and in relationship with themselves and others?

Collaboratives space for self-discovery and transformation.

8 week program, 1 hour weekly

September XX.  The course will be every wednesday @6pm CT.

Sign up below to receive information about our Mastermind course.

Are you a high-achieving woman who sometimes questions her own worth and accomplishments?

Don’t worry; you are not alone. I understand that feeling; I’ve been there too. It happens to the best of us. These feelings are common among driven and high-achieving women, but they don’t have to hold you back. It’s time to break free from those limiting beliefs. Let’s work together to unleash your full potential and achieve even greater success. 

Click below to take this one minute assessment to see how aligned you are with your true self and your purpose.  Or, if you’d like to learn about my upcoming Mastermind, click here to schedule a free 30-minute breakthrough session to see if it’s the right fit for you.

What is expected?


You are expected to actively participate in the mastermind by asking questions, sharing their experiences, and engaging in group discussions.


You are expected to come to the mastermind with an open mind, willing to learn and explore new perspectives.

willingness to take action

You are  expected to take action on the insights and strategies shared in the mastermind, applying what you have learned to your  lives and goals.

commitment to growth

committed to your personal growth and development, recognizing that mindset is a key factor in achieving success and fulfillment.

Respectful behavior

You are expected to treat others with respect, creating a safe and supportive learning environment for everyone involved.

What can you expect to get out of it?

In this mastermind, you will learn how to recognize your self-worth and find fulfillment in your life. We will discuss what defines fulfillment for women and how you can achieve it. You will gain the tools you need to reach your goals and live a life that feels meaningful and purposeful.

Some of the topics we will cover include:

  • Why do women seek fulfillment?
  • How can women find fulfillment in their careers?
  • How can women find fulfillment in their relationships?
  • Finding your voice and becoming the author of your life story
  • Discovering your authentic self
  • Living life in a higher state of consciousness
  • Finding clarity to live a purpose-filled life
  • A supportive community of like-minded women who understand their struggles and aspirations.
  • Walk away with a clear action plan for creating a life that feels meaningful and purposeful.

“Underneath the false armor of strength that women have been conditioned to wear is a woman whose soul is heavy and filled with pain, essentially choking her lifeline. “

– Isabel Draughon

What our clients are saying.....

Take the first step towards living a life of purpose and meaning... sign up and learn more about my mastermind session!

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