The Whispering Heart


Profound tips to help you truly be seen and heard by others

Have you ever felt invisible, as if your opinions and advice were being dismissed? You’re not alone. Recently, I’ve heard from several women who feel this way, and it got me thinking deeply about why this happens.

For many of us, this sense of invisibility is not new. We’ve been conditioned to let others speak before us, to shy away from the spotlight, and to keep our voices down. But what if I told you that you can change this conditioning? This is the essence of the Loud Whisper—feeling like we’re shouting to be heard, yet no one seems to listen. It’s time we changed that narrative.

“But Isabel, that’s easier said than done,” you might say. And you’re right! Here are some profound tips to help you truly be seen and heard by others.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
Being visible starts with what we do, not just what we say. Preparation is key if you want your voice heard in a business meeting. Know your topic, have notes ready, and be the first to speak up. These are the words. Then, follow up with action. What will you do to ensure your point is recognized? This might push you out of your comfort zone, but remember, the more you do it, the bigger your comfort zone becomes. It all comes down to knowing yourself and living in alignment with your values.

Stay True to Yourself.
Life becomes so much simpler when our actions align with our core beliefs. This alignment isn’t always possible, but it’s crucial to be aware of when and why we deviate from our values. Who are we trying to impress? What are we hoping to gain? Will it truly bring us joy? When we find ourselves in situations that don’t align with our values, we tend to stay quiet. That Loud Whisper inside us is telling us that this isn’t right. Listen to that voice and make the necessary changes to break free from the conditioning that’s been ingrained in us.

Don’t Minimize Yourself.
From a young age, we learn to put ourselves in a corner. Remember the iconic line from the movie – “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.” As your comfort zone expands, you’ll notice how often you’ve minimized yourself even before anyone else could. Recognizing this is empowering. Stand up and be seen. Be your own biggest cheerleader! No matter your age, it’s possible to feel overlooked and invisible.

But we don’t have to accept this. We must stand up, act, and make our voices heard.
Now, what have you been doing lately? I hope you’ve been creating space for yourself, space to do what lights a fire in you, and space to rediscover what your inner child enjoyed. Sometimes, we feel lost because we’ve forgotten who we are in the first place.

Last week, I mentioned that my husband and I traveled, and besides getting a sunburn, I spent a lot of time swimming. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed swimming as a little girl. It truly brought out the little girl inside of me. The feeling was incredible! I still feel like I’ve discovered something new about myself, even though swimming has always been my love. Like many of us, I had forgotten what was inside of me, what made me happy.

Permit yourself to rediscover what lights your fire. What does the little girl inside need that will bring joy and connection to your soul?

With love and determination,

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